
Drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia
Drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia

Thus, our joy is coming from following Jesus, participating in His drama of love and redemption, including in His cross and death. To have faith in Jesus means we believe that our lives will eventually make sense in Jesus. If we know this kind of sensation in the Church, we may get disappointed. What should be joyful? We need to see that joy of redeemed people is not simply fleeting good feelings or outbursts of emotions. We are becoming more unsure of our lives. Some of us are losing our beloved ones, and others must face an uncertain future due to economic meltdown.

drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia

Yet, what does it mean to be joyful in our world now? Many of us are still struggling with pandemic covid-19, and we are not sure when this will end. This is the unshakable foundation of our joy! Blaise Paschal, a Catholic French Philosopher, once commented, “Nobody is as happy as a real Christian.” And because He has risen, our faith in Him is not in vain.

drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia

Jesus is real, as even more real than all of us. The Avengers may dramatically defeat Thanos and resurrected the missing half of humanity, but they remain the great work of fiction. His story is radically different from the box-office-hit movies like the Marvel series. The good news is that Jesus’ story is real. There is a marvelous twist! He rose from the dead and conquered death-his love triumphs over hatred and sin. Yet, these dreadful things are not the end of the story. He is God, but He was buried just like any man. He was innocent, yet He was condemned as a criminal and suffer horrible death on the cross. He gave up His body and blood to His disciples and brothers, who ultimately sold, betrayed, denied, and abandoned Him. Jesus was received as a king by his people, who would eventually condemn Him. From Palm Sunday till Good Friday, we have witnessed the most excellent drama at the center of our faith.

drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia

Jesus has risen! Alleluia! He is indeed alive, and we have reason to celebrate and rejoice exultantly.

Drama di selamatkan oleh kasih karunia